Following a great pre-season the junior cricket season has started in earnest following the U15 matches start last night. The later nights we can move our training start times to their traditional 6:15pm start time.
Still spaces for new players
We’ve had more than 100 juniors sign up so far and have around 30 coming to start the ECB All Stars programme on Friday 7 May. We do still have space for more players if you know anyone keen to start playing cricket, particularly at U9 and U11 age groups and girls of all ages.
Match information
Matches will start at different weeks for the different age groups. Team managers or coaches will be in touch with parents about availability, and different teams will start in different weeks. Unfortunately the Covid regulations only allow parents and carers who are looking after children playing in matches to attend matches at the moment (plus officials such as scorers, umpires and coaches).
New training times
Now we have more light on an evening, we have pushed back training times to allow children and parents more time to get ready after school or work. So the training programme as of today is…
Tuesday – U11 – 6:15pm to 7:30pm
Wednesday – U13 – 6:15 to 7:30pm
Thursday – U15s (and seniors) – 6pm to 7:30pm
Friday – U9s and the Year 6+ girls group – 6:15pm to 7:30pm
We look forward to seeing you and your children soon.

Hi I’m just emailing as I have a cricket obsessed 10.5 year old who is keen to start somewhere, he currently is making a dent in our garden! I wondered if the age groups are set in stone, I don’t drive and my husband is a chef so he only has two days off one is usually a Wednesday, I understand generally they are for safety, I work with children myself so know they’re very clumsy at a younger age!
I’d be interested in information about matches, and membership etc
Thank you
Hi Sarah, it sounds like we spoke on the phone recently. Any more questions or if you want to chat it through just get back in touch.